Tapping SalonsTM
by Mary Phelan

Are you ready to let go of outdated beliefs caused by old emotional experiences? Join Mary for a powerful healing and restoring experience. You will see for yourself how much lighter you feel when you set down those old emotional limitations.

EFT (Tapping) is the simple, groundbreaking method of effectively clearing up disruptions in the emotional energy body. This allows one to release the negative influence of traumatic or stressful events and dynamics. Each person will have individualized attention as well as benefiting from the experiences and energies of the group. Group size is limited.

“The Salons”

Restoring and Building Self Confidence – Mary Phelan
Self judgement takes you out of yourself, out of the moment. It can be hard to radiate who you are when you aren’t in your center. Many things contribute to low confidence and these can energetically build up over the years and impact your life in many ways, such as promotions at work, being seen, speaking up, doing what you love to do, having the types of relationships you desire and more. Join Mary for another healing and restoring experience in her EFT Salon Series.  You will learn a lot about yourself, remember your self love and begin to make powerful changes in your life.

Healing Family Relationships – Mary Phelan
Your view of love and many other emotions are formed early in life through your relationships with your family. These early experiences become the foundations of all future relationships, including the one with yourself. In this Salon, you will see for yourself how EFT can assist you to change the influence of those early emotional teachings that have kept you from having healthy relationships.

Overcoming Stress, Fear and Anxiety – Mary Phelan
Fear and Anxiety can be a gripping thing, making it hard to walk through life with ease and direction. You can carry it as worry and circular thoughts, in the form of limitations or even as a tightness in your chest or knot in your stomach. These feelings can become so familiar, you may not even consciously realize how much they are impacting you. EFT can help, often when other things can’t. In this Salon, you will see how certain events and beliefs have taught you to live with fear and anxiety. Understand how Tapping can assist in bringing balance and calm to your energy field and to gain mastery over some of your common stress and fear responses. Experience for yourself the power shifts that come from emotional release. There is a choice, you don’t have to live with constant stress, fear and anxiety.

Clearing out your Life – Mary Phelan
Do you have areas of your life that you have a hard time getting on top of? Perhaps it’s a feeling of disorganization? Do you have too many papers, things on a list, or items cluttering your flow? Do you feel that no matter how many organizational systems you’ve tried that you still find yourself accumulating objects or dynamics that restrict you?

Clutter can be defined, “a crowded or confused mess”. And this is exactly how it can feel if you don’t understand the hold these no longer useful items have over you. Knowing which items bring you joy is wonderful, but knowing how the ones that don’t bring joy control you is even more revealing. You can force yourself to clean out a closet, but until you work with the emotions connected, you will usually call it all back. In this Salon, we will use EFT to clear up issues that cause you to hold onto things that are no longer on your path. Come and free yourself!

Unblocking your path to Prosperity – Mary Phelan
How open are you to receiving? Do you find it hard to accept? Are there repeating patterns that involve blocking or self sabotage? In this Salon, you will learn how events in your life have formed your view of money, prosperity and even how you allow yourself to receive love. We will use EFT to release these patterns in your life today and bring about a softening of old walls. These sessions are powerful and can move you past blocks you never even consciously knew you had!

Healing Relationship Pain – Mary Phelan
Some of your greatest learning and most profound growth happens in your romantic relationships. It can also be where some of your deepest self-questioning and greatest self-exploration can reside. In this Salon, we will be using EFT to clear past relationship pain (of all types) and allow for a new level of emotional good health. Discover a way to release the experiences and beliefs that are standing in your way. Open up to the love that is your birthright!

Understanding and Releasing Grief – Mary Phelan
Losing a loved one can be so painful. It can be incomprehensible to the mind, deeply draining to the physical body and overwhelming to the emotional body. Grief is a multilayered and multidimensional thing that requires a more global and refined approach. In this Salon, you will not only learn how to unpack the many layers of Grief, you will get to experience techniques that bring a relief to the pain you carry and have carried for so long.

Releasing Guilt & Shame – Mary Phelan
Guilt and Shame are some of the most toxic and insidious energy there is. Once generated, it infiltrates every area of life and thought and consumes positive feelings of happiness, freedom and emotional wellbeing. It then perpetuates and influences decisions, self esteem, trust and even how you see life. Releasing these can bring a profound and immediate relief. This is some of the greatest work you can do.

Regaining Trust – Mary Phelan
What is Trust? When it’s there, you don’t even notice it, but when it isn’t, there is a sense of loss so great, it distracts you from life. The absence of Trust becomes a driving force behind decisions, goals and even whether you let freedom and happiness in. Sometimes all it takes is one broken promise, one lie or one time where someone else didn’t show up for you. Other times there may be some deep and significant event that changed things. Whatever it was that made you fall out of Trust, this Salon is for you. EFT can help you regain your footing in the solid ground of Trust.

Letting Go of the Past – Mary Phelan
You carry around suitcases filled with old events, traumas, beliefs and even physical items from your past. These unresolved attachments and emotions can be affecting your life today, making it hard to reach goals, find happiness and many other things. Are you ready to release those outdated influences? In this Salon, you will experience how freeing it is to set down those bags, how easy it can be to take things out of it and how empowering it is to leave even the empty suitcase in the past!

Contact Mary at to book a Salon at your Center or for your private group.

* All Salons offer assistance on any issue, so even if the topic isn’t something you’re dealing with, it is customized to you.
**EFT is not a substitute for appropriate medical and mental health attention.
© Mary Phelan 2008 – 2021

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